Walking Man's Road

I just wanted to share some things I learned re-watching my childhood favorite movie this week, The Last Unicorn. (a highly entertaining film that was a integral part of my formative years)

  • Never run from anything immortal, it attracts their attention
  • Dragons not only have fiery insides and ice cold skin, but they speak 17 languages readily, and are subject to BOUNCE.
  • Be rary of wousing a rizard's wrath - rousing a rizard's - Be wary of making a magician angry!
  • It's a very rare person who is taken for what he truly is.
To me, it is imperative that all people know these truths.

Switching Gears.....

There are a few songs I've listened to this week that have meaningful and poetic lyrics which have set the tone for my week. They are as follows:

"There's only one thing that I know how to do well, and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well; and that's be you...be what you're like...be like yourself....and so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark."

"Let me hear that, get me near that, crunchy granola suite, drop your shrink and stop your drinkin’, crunchy granola's neat. "

"Not counting the feathered scarves, and not counting the scared rabbits; not counting the soiled woman, and not counting the amateur trumpet sounds, and not counting the angry asian...."

Oh me, good times....good times! What would life be without good music and magical unicorn movies? All I know is that is a life I hope I never have to face. Speaking of face's....here's a doosey.....

That should fulfill my completely random quota for the day plus or minus a month.


Trisha said...

I love that you revisited "The Last Unicorn"! I recently revisted "Labrynth", and let me tell you . . .David Bowie never looked so good!

Heidi said...

And *I* love that dragons are subject to BOUNCE!!!!!

mangrumminute said...

Arianne how are you? I loved the last unicorn growing up! Escept that vulture eating the witch thing always freaked me out, and the red bull. You are my movie kin spirit remember in london the last of the mohicans connection and patricia frm joe vs. volcano? I miss you.

Kate and Robbie said...

I never saw what you and Lacie saw in that crazy, hallucination of a Unicorn Movie. The sad part is that you both know the song to it. But i don't love either of you any less.